Happy Easter! He has risen! I hope you have had a wonderful day celebrating! We sure did! Started the day at church with an amazing service! Afterwards we went to my parents. My children have been quite spoiled. Yesterday my brother took Ariel to build a bear for the first time and she got a Chick since she just loves chicks! She has been playing with her and is so very happy! I find it funny that she does call her chickie but has named her Marlene! Of course they have gotten a lot of chocolates but thankfully not a crazy amount! My parents bought Carter a Little Tykes basketball hoop and he has been playing with it non stop, I think someone loves sports, someone is his father's son! And my parents blessed Ariel with a new bike! My mother made an amazing turkey dinner, so good! Here are some cute photos I took, this one is from this morning after church outside my parents house:

Aren't they too cute, I just love there outfits! Carter actually wore his hat at church and everyone loved it!
Another of them and Chickie Marlene!
I took this one earlier in the week with bunny ears! In there matching outfits!
Carter and the ears:
Carter with his basket of eggs after hunting! He looks so happy!
Forgot to take a photo of us with the kids but did get one with my parents:

And the new bike!
Hope you had a wonderful easter too!
so glad to hear that you all had fun celebrating on Sunday! thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos! they make me smile! =)
Hi! I hopped over from the HA flickr group. Lovely pics of your kids. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.
oH. mY. gOSH. Your kids are soooo cute!
Such darling photos, sooo adorable in their outfits and big smiles! How fun, looks like you had a wonderful celebration!
Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing! Your children are totally adorable and beautiful, so precious!!
So happy you had a wonderful Easter...loved looking at all of these wonderful photos. Hugs,Kathy
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