Hello! I hope that you are having a great weekend! :> We sure are! :> Enjoying a lazy Sunday at home is the best! Today I wanted to pop in and share a new wreath that I made. My friend ordered this one from me and picked the colors, and I just love how it turned out! I love it so much it deserves it's own post, I also had fun taking a bunch of photos of it:
Wreaths are quite popular these days and I think having one on your door all year really makes your house shine! I really love this color combo as it's bold and draws attention to your door! :> I love adding pearls to the wreath as I think it finishes it quite nicely! This is the first time I used silver pearls, love how it looks! You know I love playing with paper but I also really enjoy making wreaths too. I often wrap the yarn around the wreath when driving (as a passenger!) I find myself working on wreaths when it's late and I can't stamp straight! I can't keep still very well I gotta be doing something!
On Friday after school we all went sledding as a family. The weather was warmer and it was perfect sledding weather! We recently discovered that a park close by has a toboggan run. All my life the idea of a toboggan run terrified me and boy was I missing out! I love it! I grew up next to two huge hills that we would go sledding down all the time but now as an adult and mommy I find myself screaming the whole way down and putting my legs out to slow it down! LOL I know what happened to me? And this is where I love toboggan runs yes it's fast but it's a cleared path and no chance of crashing into someone or something! And the walk up is easy and I don't end up having to carry a child up the hill! As my kids grow up I see that there is so much you can do with them (makes it a bit bearable that they aren't my little babies anymore) I took some photos:

your pictures of the kids turned out great! they look like they're having so much fun!
love your wreath too, so pretty.
Hi Anita! Oh do I love your photos, it really looks like so much fun! And I adore the colours on that wreath, so beautifully done!
LOVE the wreath! It is so very pretty:) I love that you take so many pictures of your family life together! It looks like you guys had a great time, lots of fun!
Your wreath is absolutely gorgeous, Anita! LOVE those fabulous colors! And the kids sure look like they LOVE sledding! Fun photos! :)
This wreath is so stunning! Great balance and colors - what a way to welcome! Thanks for sharing your cute family pictures - brings back memories of my own childhood in the snow! Sweet!
what a fun day! lovely wreath!
Oh Anita, your wreath is absolutely fabulous! Love the colours and the flowers look amazing! Looks like you all had such a fun day out - adorable photos of Ariel and Carter! I bet that sled flies along - don't know if I'd be brave enought to try it!
Oh my! Absolutely exquisite looking wreath! I really love the beautiful colors! This could also be a great looking wreath for the holidays too! Love the pics of your children! It's been so long since I've been around snow, I don't think I could survive the cold like that! :)
Your wreath is gorgeous, Anita! I love how soft it looks!
We used to have a toboggan run at our park, but they removed it several years ago.... it's too bad, because with our lack of snow, that would have been fun this year...
WOW! Absolutely love that stunning wreath Anita! You did an amazing job! Love the sledding photos too! Looks like you all had so much fun :)
beautiful wreath. And boy have you kids grown or what? I can't believe how much bigger they are than when I first started following you Anita. And still as adorable as ever.
First of all - I absolutely adore the pics of your kids!!!! It looks like you all had a ball and those animal hats are such a hoot!!! Second of all - I loooooooove the wreath!!! You should think about selling them on Etsy!!! Hugs, Robin :)
And straight to Pinterest you go, gorgeous wreath! :)
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