
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Project 365 My way Week 2 Busy Spring Break!

Hello!  And I am here with my second installement of blogging my week!  It was Spring Break this past week!  It was our first Spring Break too!  All of March Ariel only went to school two full days (it's usually one week 2 one week 3) but they were making it even with all the holidays and such.  So really it's different but not really right?  It was a crazy week!!!  My kids must be having Spring Fever or something!

On Monday I thought that it was going to be a nice relaxing day at home!  Although in the morning chatting with a friend who lives a bit out of town she told me she was going shopping and running errands.  I told her that she could drop her daughter off for a playdate with Ariel!  May as well instead of dragging her shopping! Right after hanging up the phone another friend called and asked if she could come over for lunch as she would be in the area and has to be close by a bit later.  So on Monday we had a playdate with my friend and her 3 children!  And than Ariel had a playdate with her friend Celeste!  I may have forgotten to take pictures... 

Tuesday we went to the Forks a tourist place in our city, where they two rivers meet.  There were free kids activities and shows!  We went with 4 of our friends and the kids, 13 of them!  It was a lot of fun but quite crowded. Here are some pictures:

 Balloon animals!

 So cute!

 Me helping!
 Some of the kids as they watch the show! 
 Daddy dropped us off and than went to show a house.  Once he was done he came and joined us!!  Oh and by the way notice Ariel's hair?  I can't seem to french braid any higher!  But I am working on it and watching youtube videos!

On Wednesday we had one of Ariel's classmate Alayna, her brother and sister and mom over for a playdate!  Her mom Jen is a newer friend to me and I really enjoy getting together with her, she is so real and easy to be around!  She brought some fresh spring rolls and they were soo good.  I still think about them!  We had a great time!

Thursday morning while I sat at the computer looking at crafty blogs I caught a photo of what my kids were doing beside me:

Crafting of course!  Ariel crafts a lot and has gotten Carter into it too!  So cute!  Chad and I decided to take the kids to see Yogi Bear!  We met up with my friend Lisa and her 3 kids! I caught some cute pictures:

Towards the end of the movie Carter climbed in and sat with his sister!  The movie went well.  Carter is getting better at being able to sit through a movie and not want to run down the stairs!  We brought lots of snacks!  On Thursday night Chad made homemade spaghetti!  I had to capture a photo of Carter:

On Friday another one of Ariel's friends Paige came over the play in the afternoon!  I invited Paige over after reading her dad's status update of Paige asking everyday how many days left till she got to go back to school!!!  :>  They play so well and have so much fun!  Here is a cute picture of them and there snack:

That night my parents took the kids to the circus!!!!  They had a blast!  And my parents also really enjoyed it!  Chad and I had a date!  I was in the mood for Greek salad and chicken solvaki on a pita!!  I used to hate Greek salad and feta cheese but when I was pregnant with Carter I started to crave it.  So funny that I love it now!  I got a picture of us, it's not great as it was sunny behind us but oh well:

On Saturday we had a fun day at home.  I went shopping and got more crafty stuff too!  :>  I found the kids in the back of  my closet in the dark playing with there light up swords my parents had bought at the circus the night before:

The weather was so nice on Saturday you could smell Spring that we played outside for a while.  We went for a walk while Ariel rode her bike.  And Carter pulled out his soccer ball and started running from one side of he street to the other kicking it!  I ran behind him!  He loves his sports!

Sunday we woke up to rain that turned into SNOW!  What happened to our beauitful weather?  We went to church and than Chad's parents took the kids for the afternoon with a few of there cousins!  I had a migraine for most of the day :<  I am feeling much better now and hope tomorrow is better.

You know we had a great Spring Break!  It was busy but a lot of fun too!  I love that I got this week with my kids and enjoyed it so!  But I am so GLAD that it's over!  :>  I am also glad that I am doing this as I love that I captured the cute glowing in the dark in the closet photo!  :>


  1. What a week Anita... no wonder you had a migraine.... sooo busy. But I think you just love being a Mom and you sound like one of the best... Enjoy this time with your children as they grow up way too quick.

  2. Fun week, Anita! I loved seeing photos of the Forks - reminded me of fun times there on my trips to Winnipeg!

  3. Sounds like a fun week and you got some great photos! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Not only do your kids look like you, but they also take after you with the crafting, SO cute! :) Glad to hear you had a lovely spring break! Mine is not til April 16 - counting down the days!

  5. wow! that looks like a super fun and busy week!! so glad that you had fun. thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos, Anita!! i really enjoyed reading it! =)

  6. Adorable photos, Anita! It looks like you all had a great Spring Break!! We had the same turn of weather here in Toronto. I'm hoping the warmer weather this week means spring is here to stay!

  7. love love seeing all your family life pictures! looks like everybody had fun doing this & that!
    and yes, seems like everywhere in the world is having crazy weather! hot one day, rainy the next.... that's us lately.

  8. Looks like tons of fun!!! Your children are darling!

  9. Sounds like you had a busy week! Are you sad or relieved that spring break is over? I always feel a little bit of both! lol.

  10. Holy smokes! I don't think you could've possbily packed anything more into your week! What fun! Your kiddos are such dolls! And thanks so much for all the sweet comments you leave on my blog. You're too good to me ;)! Hugs!


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