
Friday, September 10, 2010

1st day fo Kindergarten

Hello!  Today is a hard day for me.  My beautiful little girl started kindergarten this morning!  Here are some pictures:

Her 1st day of school outfit!  I like how she striked a pose!  She told me she was excited!

The sweetheart that she is she kissed her brother goodbye!

She looks so excited as we walk from the car to the school, but once we put her jacket and bag away she looks a bit nervous!
Ariel and some friends!  I will be honest with you I started to cry when the little girl in pink took Ariel's hand to walk to where all the other kids were.  Her kindness to Ariel touched my heart! 

And sadly when it was time for the parents to go Ariel started to cry.  This is how I left her.  It was so hard to leave! 
This is the note I made to put in Ariel's lunch today.  I hope it makes her happy and helps her and that she knows how much I love her.  She goes to school twice one week and three times the other for a full day.

And so it begins.  I think one of the reasons it's so hard because she did cry.  Last year Chad and I noticed that she was quiet and shy at preschool.  Her teacher had said she was smart and did well but was quiet.  She wasn't herself!  That bothers me and concerns me.  Even with being a stay at home mom we were out and about a lot with her taking music and dance, play dates she has been around kids a lot.  I pray that she likes school and does well and comes out of her shell at school.  I miss her and can't wait to pick her up!  Carter has been a sweetheart to me saying huggie and coming up to me and giving me tons of hugs!

I haven't been all that crafty this week!  It's been busy and just haven't been inspired.  I spent lots of time with my kids which was great.  Today the fun starts in the Hero Arts Flickr group with a virtual card making party!  It's for Operation Write Home and I hope to play!  This should inspire me!  Click here for more info!  And by the way I posted the winners of my giveaways the post before this!


  1. sending hugs to you! i went through this same thing three weeks ago when halle started kindergarten. i had to leave with her in tears and that was the hardest thing to do. she goes to school all day every day so it was a big adjustment. but after two days she was completely fine and now she wants to go to school on the weekends too. ;) it will get me! :)

  2. Oh big hugs Anita, that is so hard! I haven't gotten to kindergarten yet, but my kids have cried when I left them at preschool and it's brought me to tears as well. But they've always ended up loving it. And by the way, I didn't realize you have a Carter - that's my boy too. :-) Take care!!

  3. "Congrats Ariel on your first day of Kindergarten! I know you will love it and make lots of friends!"

    Hang in there Anita - she will do fine. With so many changes for both parents & kids, we often joke that Thanksgiving is when 'school' truly starts. lol.

  4. All will be well, Anita. I remember our first's first day of kindergarten.....put him on the bus in the morning, and patiently waited til time to come home later that morning. Bus came, bus stopped, no child.....Of course I freaked out and called the school. The person kindly told me that it was not uncommon for the children to fall asleep on the way home and forget to get off, and that the bus drivers would always check the bus for sleeping children. Sure enough, around again came the bus, this time with our David!
    But he loved school (he was a bit shy, too) and would come home every day and teach his little brother what he'd learned. Such precious memories......thanks for bringing them to mind for me today. Sending you hugs!

  5. She looks adorable! I am sure she will do just great! :)

  6. Oh my gosh... Ariel is such a little "poser" in those pics! She is too cute! No worries. I'm sure she is going to love school!

  7. I remember mum leaving me at Kindergarten - one of my earliest memories. After I stopped crying I loved it :) I'm sure Ariel will too - she's so sweet.

  8. Oh Anita, you sound just like I felt years ago. It was so difficult for me also. My son had just been diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes 3 weeks before kindergarten. I was so close to not even letting him go. He also cried when I left, but the teacher said a short time later he stopped and ended up doing fine. Even if it takes Ariel awhile, she'll adjust and get used to it, and so will you. Big hugs to you, my friend! I'm eager to hear how it all went.

  9. Thinking of you, Anita! We had tears here too and that was with homeschooling. Lots of adjustments for everyone. You'll get there. :)

  10. oh Anita, I love reading about your daughters first day of school. Her outfit looks so beautiful and the little note you left for her to see is wonderful, I am sure it made her day! It really reminds me of the special things my mother did for us growing up, memories we will never forget.

  11. Aww brave girl!! Her outfit is so cute! I pray too that Ariel will make good friends (like the girl in pink!) and learn to be herself wherever she is... school was hard for me too, but once I met a friend who was outgoing and encouraging, I learned to let down my guards. All it takes is one friend.. and a Mom who loves you so! :) Blessings to sweet Ariel! She'll do GREAT!

  12. Awww...she is such a sweetheart! And she will really love Kindergarten once it gets going and there is a routine again! I know how hard it is for us parents, we always worry , don't we? I think things always gets a bit easier as the school year progresses! Looks like you guys are having a bit of cold weather over there - yikes! Sending you warm hugs!!

  13. Thinking of you as I know this was tough. I will never forget the first time I put Lucas in the church nursery or preschool when he was 2 (just two mornings a week for 3 hours). I was the mom hiding outside the building peering in the window to be sure he was ok. It took about two weeks to adjust to the 2 year old prek class... He is in his last year of school at his preschool, now in preschool 5 mornings a week for 3 hours. Next year is going to be a HUGE transition for him. My friend's son has had the toughest time (even ending up switching teachers because the original teacher just shouldn't teach kids if you know what I mean) and he is still struggling. The strong hold the teachers have on my son at his current school is going to be gone in kindergarten. It's get out of the car on your own and walk into your class.... We have cute mirror hangers for the carpool line while the public school system offers paper plates! My rambling has a point. I will be in your shoes next year.... Hang in there..... I KNOW she will be great in no time. Just needs to adjust.... I love that you put a note in her lunch box! I am sure that brought a huge smile to her face!!!

  14. Sending you BIG hugs my friend! Ariel looks ADORABLE and I'm sure she'll be fine. I'm a prek teacher and have taught kinder, and trust me, she will adjust and it will get easier and easier to leave her. :) The cute note you gave her is so sweet, just like you! MORE hugs!

  15. She is beautiful; she looks so much like you! I love the note, that is such a great idea! xoxo

  16. love these 1st day of kinder photos! i'm sorry she cried when parents had to heartbreaking isn't it? she will love going to kinder everyday! kids adapt so quickly!


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